
Who's The First Man Set His Foot on The Moon?

False, if you say Neil Armstrong. Because in 1952, or 17 years before Armstrong, Tintin has walked on the moon with Capt.Haddock and Snowy a.k.a Milou, his dog.

Interestingly, Hergé was accused as a Nazi sympathizer because the adventure of Tintin to the moon. For the episode "Destination Moon" (1950) and "Explorers on the Moon" (1952), a rocket carrying Tintin and his friends (created by Professor Calculus) is very similar to the prototype missile was developed by Nazi Germany. Hergé admitted, the idea came from a Nazi's rocket loaded in an magazine about outer space technology.

January 2004 the world celebrates the 80 years of Tintin's adventure. During 80 years, Tintin comics has printed for millions of copies in various languages. Public from various generations are already familiar with Tintin and many figures in his various adventures, such as dog Snowy, Captain Haddock, Professor Cuthbert Calculus, and the stupid twin detectives, Thomson and Thompson.

During 80 years, with various adventure Tintin has been exist in the world for several generations. Tintin has become not just a comic figure. He has become an icon of universal read by millions of people from many different nations and languages.


Anonymous said...

Hergé was accused as a Nazi sympathizer because the adventure of Tintin to the moon...

Which is somewhat bizarre considering the entire US space program up until the end of the Apollo program was designed by former Nazis (Von Brown et al).


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